Monday, March 18, 2013

The Bicycle Kick

One of the most stunning soccer moves to witness is the over head scissor kick or bicycle kick. If one can master this move, you will awe audiences and coaches wherever you go. However, at the same time, if you attempt this extremely risky move and mess up, you look like a complete fool while doing it. During the progress of a game, bicycle kicks are usually most common on crosses such as corners, or also long balls to strikers. Tactically, players tend to do this when the keeper is off the line and want to get the ball to the goal quickly. I personally have never scored off a bicycle kick but I have come very close on several occasions. In order to practice this, I suggest that you practice on a turf or soft ground because essentially you need to learn how to fall correctly to avoid injury. However, since this is so hard to do and is only used in very few situations, it will not hurt you if you cannot preform this move.

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